Home Owners Insurance

Home Owners Insurance

What can I do to get a good price on my homeowner's insurance?

Clearly you should always perform a good amount of due diligence when searching for any policy. Be sure to compare the differences in services offered and prices quoted. There are many discounts available for different things, don't forget to ask if you qualify for any of them. Remember that the deductible will largely affect the price of the premium. It is a good idea to keep the deductible as high as you feel comfortable with to keep the premium down. You can generally get a better deal when you purchase your auto and house policies from the same company and you can also get a better rate by not insuring the land.

What level of home insurance should I buy?

Make sure that you are insured against whatever natural disasters are common in your area, because insurance against these differs. If you don't specifically ask, you may not be covered. Be sure to insure for 100% of rebuilding costs. The price of rebuilding your home could differ greatly from the amount that your home is valued at today.

What can I do to ensure that I am insured adequately?

Make a list of your possessions in your household. The more well documented this is the more likely you will be to be able to replace them. Make sure that you inform your agents of any changes that you make to the home so that if anything happens to the structure, the recent changes will be reflected in the payout. Check to see if there are any specific limits to what is insured by your company. Sometimes a person may think they are covered for certain things, but the limits negate that.

What deductible should I have?

It is always a good idea to keep the deductible as high as you are comfortable with. A high deductible will substantially decrease your premium. Do not insure the land, because the land isn't at risk of being demolished in a flood, fire or other natural disaster and you will save on your premium.

What other ways can I decrease my home insurance costs?

If a home has a sophisticated alarm system and/or a sprinkler system to prevent against fires, the insurance company may drop the price of a policy. Be sure to ask your provider and do the calculations to see if it will be cost efficient.

When should I review my policy?

At least once a year, you may want to look over your policy to ensure that it will cover all of the possessions in your home and any additions that you have made over the last 12 months.

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