Personal Financial PlanningA strong financial plan is able to withstand the challenges that life throws at you. In order to create a solid financial plan, you must have a sound foundation with knowledge of the basics. In addition, we have developed working relationships with local financial advisors to help our clients with questions related to proper investing strategies.
We help you learn to...
- Create a budget to organize your financial documents, keep track of your spending and establish guidelines that will allow you to become debt free in a reasonable period of time.
- Make saving automatic by establishing a process by which you can grow your savings account in order to be prepared when those unexpected expenses arise.
- Establish good credit by helping you understand what creditors are looking for and understanding the difference between GOOD CREDIT and BAD CREDIT.
We help you plan for...
- Financing your child's education by understanding goals, considering all alternatives, estimating the amount of money needed to achieve your goals, analyzing your assets, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and designing strategies to help address those potential shortfalls. By developing an optimal savings plan you will be able to follow a viable investment plan designed for your financial situation and risk tolerance.
- Achieving your investment goals through careful analysis of your existing investment portfolio, and developing a strategy to fill any gaps that may exist. We will build increased predictability into your investments with paramount consideration to helping you minimize risk.
- Leaving a legacy for your heirs by thoughtful estate and trust planning. By maximizing the value of your estate by saving tax dollars, professional fees, and court costs, as well as minimizing the costs of probate, creditors, lawyers, and estate taxes, which can negatively impact the value of your estate, we help you stay in control of your affairs by providing a road map for passing your estate on to your heirs.
- A financial plan is the key to attaining financial freedom. Let us help you get started today. Call our office for a consultation today.